This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") describes how Goodstories (referred to in this Privacy Policy as "Company", "we", "us" or "our"), as the operator of the website (the "Site") and developer of the mobile application, automatic application and smart home application associated with Goodstories (the "Application"), collects information when you visit the Site or use the Application, or any other website, pages, features or content owned or operated by the Company (separately and collectively, the "Service"). This policy also explains how we use and disclose the information we collect from you, and your rights with respect to that information. Terms that are not defined in this Policy will have the meanings given to them in our Terms of Use.
Please read the Terms of Use carefully before using or accessing our Services. By agreeing to the Terms of Use, you agree to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. Please note that if you do not agree with anything in this Privacy Policy, you should not use the Service.
We will notify you of changes to this Privacy Policy by posting the amended terms on the Service or via the email address we have on file. By continuing to use the Service after such changes are posted, you agree to be bound by the revised Policy. To find out when we last updated this policy, please refer to the date indicated after "Last Modified" at the top of this policy. If you do not agree to the changes, you must immediately stop using the Service. In addition, we may provide you with "just-in-time" disclosures or additional information about the collection, use, and data sharing practices of specific parts of our Service. These notices may provide additional information about our privacy practices or additional choices about how we treat your information.

Section Purposes of the processing Legal basis for processing
4 (a) Third-party applications or services The processing is based on our contractual obligations or to take measures at the request of the person before entering into a contract.
4 (b) Public databases and social media platforms
4 (c) Your friends and family
5 (a) To provide our service
5 (b) To send you service-related communications
5 (c) To answer you
5 (d) To enforce our terms, agreements or policies
5 (e) To ensure the security of our service
6(a) Third-party employees and service providers
6 (b) Organization of the company
6 (d) Affiliated companies
5 (g) To personalize and improve your experience on our service The processing is based on our legitimate interest in better understanding you, maintaining and improving the accuracy of the information we store about you and better promoting or optimizing our Services.
5 h) Conduct research and development
6 (c) Mergers and acquisitions; Bankruptcy
6 (g) To protect you or others
5 (f) To comply with legal and regulatory obligations The processing is necessary to comply with our legal obligations, the public interest or your vital interests.
6 h) Compliance with legal obligations and disclosure to public authorities